
Favorite Ceramic Project

I’m in ceramics 1, semester two of my freshman year. I have never been into art because I’m really bad and I always found it to be boring.  But having the time to take out all my worries, stress, and just focus in something really helped. I really enjoyed ceramics class because you get to build things out of a clump of clay and transform it into something cool. For my final project we were supposed to make a food sculpture. So I decided to make a doughnut. I thought making a doughnut would be really fun and easy. It turns out making it took forever… But I wanted my final project to be realistic. So I spend a lot of time and hard work on this project to make it my best one. I choose this project for my website because i was really proud on what I had and accomplished. It took me a lot of time to do it and it was really enjoyable because with finals and projects coming up it gave me the time to relax and just focus on one thing and gave me the time to clear my mind. During this short time I have learned that I really do enjoy art and I have gotten a little bit better. This class has thought me to be patient and to just let go of all the stress in life and just focus on what is in front of you.

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